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Change Story: Xavier Becerra | HHS.gov

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4 Hardest Challenges About Being A Single Mum

Do you know that the hardest thing about being a single mother is that the role is more demanding than the child? It demands strength, resilience, perseverance, and a constant commitment to your child. While the rewards are immeasurable and rather priceless, it is essential to recognize the unique challenges

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Exercise and Vein Health: Best Practices

Maintaining good vein health is essential for overall well-being. Veins play a vital role in transporting blood back to the heart, ensuring efficient circulation throughout the body. However, some factors can contribute to vein problems or poor blood circulation. In this blog, you will learn how regular exercise can significantly

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Do Taxpayer Subsidies Play a Role in the Obesity Epidemic? 

Why do American taxpayers donate billions of dollars to support industries like sugar and meat? The increase in caloric surplus is sufficient to explain The obesity epidemic was less a change in the quantity of food than in its quality. Access to cheap, high-calorie, low-quality convenience foods explodedand the federal

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Study Examining Ways to Boost Evidence-Based Practices in ICUs

Investigators in the BEST-ICU study, an NIH collaborative trial, seek to develop pragmatic and sustainable strategies to increase the delivery of evidence-based practices that lead to improved care for adults with serious illness, particularly for health systems serving populations with known health disparities. The BEST-ICU trial recently received approval from

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Digital Autism Screening Tool Could Enhance Early Identification

June 13, 2024 • Research Highlights A tablet-based screening tool that analyzes children’s behavior in response to specific video clips shows promise for improving early autism detection, according to a study funded in part by the National Institute of Mental Health. While early autism detection typically relies on parent questionnaires,

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What is “sex addiction”? – HealthyWomen

Dr. Emily Jamea., is a sex therapist, author and podcast Host. You can find her here every month to share her latest thoughts on sex. When you think of sex addiction, does Hank Moody from Californication or Brenda Chenoweth from Six Feet Under come to mind? What about David Duchovny,

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I Love My Hearing Loss Friends — Blog

When I entered the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) in Phoenix, I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. I was home. At most conferences I attend, I am concerned about access to communications. Are subtitles provided in the workshops? TOre Hearing aids available? Will I be able to participate

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